When I asked Jess Connolly about being a working mom, she paused and said she often doesn’t realize she’s a working mom – which might actually be the hardest part of being a working mom for her.

The irony here is that she admits to putting in 40-60 hours per week of work between working in ministry, church planting, writing books, hosting a podcast, coaching women who want to work in ministry, and running a scripture print business called All Good Things Collective.

Now that her four kids are out of diapers and into after-school activities, Jess claims to be in her “sweetest spot,” and says her kids love seeing her do what makes her come alive. Jess and her husband, Nick, moved to Charleston, South Carolina, a couple of years ago to plant a church – Bright City Church. We chatted in this episode about abundance, and how she and her husband find abundance during this season of their lives. She also shared the 3 major roadblocks she sees women face when trying to pursue their goals or get involved in ministry, and shares some tips for moms who want to get involved in ministry.

I think you’ll love this episode with sweet Jess – it is raw and inspiring!

Melissa Duncan is a wife to her high school sweetheart, a boy mom, and a lawyer. A natural cheerleader, she loves encouraging moms to pursue their dreams. Melissa hosts a podcast, Influential Motherhood, celebrating moms who are making a difference in their profession or community. An Enneagram 7 who is always full of big ideas, Melissa can't remember jokes, leaves the cooking to her husband, and survives on coffee, Nutella, many prayers, and little sleep.