Hi, friends. I know this isn’t the most glamorous post title, but I’m so excited about the launch of this website and the start of my new podcast, Influential Motherhood. For at least a year, it has been on my heart to create “something” for working moms, and for a long time, I couldn’t articulate what that “something” would be.

Until… I really started listening to podcasts and opening my eyes, ears, and heart to what I might be called to do. I realized a podcast would be an amazing way to share the stories of so many moms who are kicking you-know-what when it comes to being a mom, surviving the chaos, and positively influencing their community or profession.

My dream and my hope for this community and podcast is for moms who are in the trenches to feel encouraged by the stories of those who have seemingly “done it all.” I suspect the success stories are not without instances of chaos, stress, tears, failure, and fear. It is important to highlight that side of the story, too.

Thank you for letting me “scratch the itch” and for supporting me in this endeavor. I’ll admit… it was really, really scary to put this out there for everyone to follow along, but I couldn’t rest until this was done.

And really, would I ever rest anyway? Nope!

xo, Melissa


Melissa Duncan is a wife to her high school sweetheart, a boy mom, and a lawyer. A natural cheerleader, she loves encouraging moms to pursue their dreams. Melissa hosts a podcast, Influential Motherhood, celebrating moms who are making a difference in their profession or community. An Enneagram 7 who is always full of big ideas, Melissa can't remember jokes, leaves the cooking to her husband, and survives on coffee, Nutella, many prayers, and little sleep.