When Tancy Campbell became pregnant with her first child, she couldn’t imagine going back to work.

But at the time, she was at the end of her second year of graduate school. She never imagined she would be a stay-at-home-mom, but here she was, and her family was transitioning to one income.

We knew we had to make a change with how we dealt with money.

Tancy found $20 in a graduation card as a gift from a friend, and used the money to buy Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover. She realized big changes were needed after reading the book.

At the time, Tancy and her husband had been married for seven years and were trying to keep up with a car loan and student loan debt. Despite a few hiccups along the way, Tancy and her husband have paid off $100,000 in debt in two years – on ONE income!

Tips, Tricks, and Getting Kids Involved

In this episode, Tancy shares her tips and tricks for saving money as a stay-at-home-mom (hint: look for free activities in your town, and ask for experiences instead of gifts!). She shares how important it is to get everyone in the family involved, even the kids.

Tancy’s dream is to coach women about finances, teach young girls about money, and she wants to love on people when it comes to finances.

“People are scared to talk about it. You don’t have to be ashamed of any part of your financial journey. Just start one and have positive thoughts.”

I can’t wait for you to listen to this episode – you’re absolutely going to love Tancy Campbell. Check her out on Instagram @herwellspentlife!

Melissa Duncan is a wife to her high school sweetheart, a boy mom, and a lawyer. A natural cheerleader, she loves encouraging moms to pursue their dreams. Melissa hosts a podcast, Influential Motherhood, celebrating moms who are making a difference in their profession or community. An Enneagram 7 who is always full of big ideas, Melissa can't remember jokes, leaves the cooking to her husband, and survives on coffee, Nutella, many prayers, and little sleep.